Monday, July 29, 2013

Ukutula Lion Park & Lodge

Yesterday we arrived at the Ukutula Lion Park & Lodge and spent the night there.  They are a rescue and research facility that studies white lions and helps cure injured and ill animals that are donated to them.  They make their money from guests like us, and have a huge volunteer staff to help run things.  Between last night and this morning/afternoon, we got to play with lion cubs (0-3 months), snuggle with the "devils" (3-6 months), go on a walk with adolescent lions (1-2 years), and tour the paddocks where full-grown adult lions live (looking in from the outside of the paddocks, not the inside!).

We took HUNDREDS of pictures, because it was an amazing experience!  At one point Sean looked down and commented that we were covered in lion hair.  How often can you say THAT??

Anyway, about to move out to Kruger National Park for our three day "self-safari," so enjoy the pics of the lion park and stay tuned!


Melanie got to feed this little guy at one point!

This was the oldest - he was about to be transferred to the next age group.  He was "over" the smaller cubs.

These guys earned their nickname because they are so mischievous... kind of like in their "terrible twos."  However, when we visited, they were all sleepy and snuggly.  The park volunteers literally were dragging lions into our waiting laps.

Sean and Melanie giving lion love.

Sean was REALLY into his cuddly lion.

Three 1-2 year old lions were released for a walk in the bush, and we go to join!  Our two guides gave them treats of raw chicken parts throughout the walk.  AMAZING!!
The lions knew to "pose" at certain places for tourists to take pictures!


lions leading the way!

jumping and roughhousing together

she pregnant

taking a nap on a hot day

another rescue animal!

rescue hyena greeting our camera

Onward to Kruger National Park!!  Pictures in a few days - as soon as we get wifi again!!!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Arrival in South Africa!! ...and Paris.......

One of us is here!!  That would be me, Chris.  I arrived in Johannesburg this morning, and Sean and Melanie were supposed to meet me here late this afternoon.  We had planned to be together by now, in the airport hotel in Johannesburg, eating dinner and sipping a cold beer together in the hotel restaurant, turning in early to get an early start on our day tomorrow.  Instead, their flight out of Cincinnati was delayed and they had to take a flight to Paris with a 15 hour layover.

Kind of dramatic to look at it like this, eh?

What I wouldn't give to be with them and get a surprise day in Paris!!!  Granted, their luggage is possibly lost and they haven't bathed, slept, or changed clothes in over 24 hours, but still.... PARIS!!!  What a fun surprise to start off the trip!

Oh....  Oh, dear.....

Oh, my God, no.......

Please tell me this is their rock bottom point...

And that is Sean and Melanie's status for now.

Aaaannnyyway, let's just move right along to me...

I got in to Johannesburg this morning and, after spending some time in the airport buying an African cell phone and power adaptors, have spent the rest of my day here at the hotel, showering, napping, reading, watching African soap operas (FASCINATING), and snacking at the hotel restaurant.
It's in the 50s/60s here, so too cool to swim but a pretty area to sit and chill.

A local favorite in the hotel pub - Castle Lager

The bar at the hotel.  Modern design and cool - it's supposed to look like an airport hangar.

General view of the hotel restaurant.

My dinner!

So, I definitely had low key day, for sure, but a nice one.  Possibly even better than a day in Paris. :)

Stay tuned for tomorrow when we [hopefully] meet up [with luggage] and drive out to the Ukutula Lion Park & Lodge for some lion watching!!!